Page 9 - 闉嬬被宸ヨ壓涓庤璁?-2024骞?鏈?5鏈?indd
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Vol. 4 No. 15 闉嬬被宸ヨ壓涓庤璁? 绗?4 鍗? 绗?15 鏈? Aug. 2024 2024 骞?8 鏈? SHOES TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN
锛堥粍娌崇鎶€瀛﹂櫌锛屾渤鍗?閮戝窞 450000锛?
鍒涙剰浜т笟瀹炵幇浼樺娍浜掕ˉ銆佹繁搴﹁瀺鍚堬紝淇冭繘浼犵粺浜т笟杞瀷鍗囩骇锛屾嫇灞曟枃鍒涗骇涓氬彂灞曠┖闂达紝鎺ㄥ姩閮戝窞鍖哄煙缁忔祹楂樿川閲忓彂灞曘€?鍏?閿?璇嶏細鏁板瓧缁忔祹锛涚汉缁囨湇瑁咃紱鏂囧寲鍒涙剰锛涗骇涓氳瀺鍚?涓浘鍒嗙被鍙?J505??鏂囩尞鏍囪瘑鐮?A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2096-3793.2024-15-001
Research on the Integration of Zhengzhou Textile and
Clothing Industry and Cultural and Creative Industry under
the Background of Digital Economy
WANG Mengqian
(Huanghe University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou 450000, China)
Abstract: In the context of the digital economy, the integration and development of Zhengzhou's textile and clothing
industry with cultural and creative industries is of great significance, but at the same time, it also faces problems such as
weak integration awareness, insufficient integration depth, and a shortage of composite talents. Therefore, it is proposed
to strengthen top-level design and clarify the path of integrated development; Innovate integration models and expand
the space for integrated development; strengthening technological empowerment and consolidating the foundation of
integrated development; a series of strategies, including enhancing the level of integrated development, aim to promote the
complementary and deep integration of Zhengzhou's textile and clothing industry with cultural and creative industries,
promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, expand the development space of cultural and creative
industries, and promote high-quality development of Zhengzhou's regional economy.
Key words: digital economy; textile and clothing; cultural creativity; industrial integration
寮曡█ 鐗屽寲杞瀷鍗囩骇锛屾帹鍔ㄦ枃鍖栧垱鎰忎骇涓氫笌瀹炰綋缁忔祹娣卞害缁撳悎銆? 鐩镐簰璧嬭兘锛屽浜庨儜宸炲競鍔犲揩鍩硅偛鍙戝睍鏂板姩鑳姐€佹帹鍔ㄥ尯鍩? 闅忕潃鏁板瓧缁忔祹鏃朵唬鐨勫埌鏉ワ紝鏁板瓧鎶€鏈笌瀹炰綋缁忔祹鍔犻€? 缁忔祹楂樿川閲忓彂灞曞叿鏈夐噸瑕佹剰涔夈€傛湰鏂囧皢浠庢暟瀛楃粡娴庤儗鏅?铻嶅悎锛屾垚涓洪┍鍔ㄧ粡娴庨珮璐ㄩ噺鍙戝睍鐨勬柊寮曟搸銆傜汉缁囨湇瑁呬骇 涓嬪垎鏋愰儜宸炵汉缁囨湇瑁呬骇涓氫笌鏂囧寲鍒涙剰浜т笟铻嶅悎鍙戝睍鐨勯噸
涓氫綔涓洪儜宸炲競鐨勬敮鏌变骇涓氾紝涓庢柊鍏寸殑鏂囧寲鍒涙剰浜т笟娣卞害 瑕佹€э紝鍓栨瀽褰撳墠瀛樺湪鐨勪富瑕侀棶棰橈紝骞舵彁鍑虹浉鍏冲绛栧缓璁紝
铻嶅悎锛屽皢鏈夊姏淇冭繘绾虹粐鏈嶈浜т笟鍚戞櫤鑳藉寲銆侀珮绔寲銆佸搧 浠ユ湡涓烘帹鍔ㄤ袱澶т骇涓氳瀺鍚堝彂灞曟彁渚涘弬鑰冦€?
鍩洪噾椤圭洰锛氶儜宸炲競 2024 骞村害绀剧璋冪爺璇鹃銆婃暟瀛楃粡娴庤儗鏅笅閮戝窞绾虹粐鏈嶈浜т笟涓庢枃鍖栧垱鎰忎骇涓氳瀺鍚堢爺绌躲€嬶紙椤圭洰缂栧彿锛?89锛?浣滆€呯畝浠嬶細鐜嬫ⅵ鍊╋紙1993-锛夛紝濂筹紝纭曞+锛屽姪鏁欙紝鐮旂┒鏂瑰悜锛氭湇瑁呭競鍦猴紝